Uncategorized Time Management Tools #Giveaway Ends 7/28 @las930 @orderoochaos By andi July 11, 2021July 11, 2021 OK, raise your hand if you struggle with your time management skills. Be honest. I admit that I still struggle with this on a regular basis, depending on what it… Read More
Uncategorized The Pandemic Has Ruined Me for Fireworks By andi July 6, 2021July 6, 2021 When I was a kid, getting an invite to go see fireworks was one of the greatest things. On occasion, we would be invited to a rural home where they… Read More
Uncategorized Reflecting on Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You: The Remix by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi By andi July 1, 2021July 1, 2021 Racism is a concept that has never made sense to me. Even as a kid, it really bothered me. How can someone hate someone else just based on how they… Read More